Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Holiday Weekend Miscellany

While most of the blogosphere was focused on Live 8, I was swimming in the other direction. Saturday we loaded up the family and spent the day with relatives and friends hanging around their pool. Every few hours I went inside and checked CNN for an update on the Groene children and then looked at PhillyFuture to see how Albert and the crew were doing.

Like many women in American I took a few hours to stretch out on the sofa and read Janet Evanovich's latest Stephanie Plum detective novel, "Eleven on Top." It was as well-written as ever, and the local angle (they take place in Trenton, NJ) adds interest. But I think the love triangle subplot is starting to get a little tiresome (if it is possible for Ranger to get tiresome).

To get back to Live 8, I wanted to investigate the debt-relief issue. It is presented in a very simplistic way, after all, Africa is a very big continent. It is like saying we want to provide debt-relief to Europe. Your first questions is which countries, what kind of debt? But, I haven't gotten around to it, yet. Fortunately, Chris at Rowhouse Logic has. Take a look at his post (I hope I have the link right, if not, it is his July 2nd posting).

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