Monday, July 25, 2005

Geezer Girl Household Hints

Being one of the older female bloggers in the area, I feel it my duty to share some of the wisdom I have accumulated over the years. Thusly, I have selected 3 specific bits of information to share.

* Dried cherries are a great substitute for raisins, especially in baked goods. The texture is identical and raisin people often don't notice any difference while non-raisin people can tell that it doesn't have the raisin aftertaste but can't identify what, specifically, has changed.

* If you are at the beach with a small child who has finished or is eating vanilla ice cream and see a trail of white down the child's arm, DO NOT lick it off assuming it is ice cream. It takes DAYS to get the taste of sunscreen out of your mouth and off your tongue. You can try burning it off with spicy foods or freezing it off with icy foods. They will work for, oh, about 15 minutes and then you are back to sunscreen.

* To keep track of household linens put a sheet set inside one of the pillow cases that goes with it. It may not be up to Martha Steward standards as far as appearance on the shelf but is makes life easier (this one is not original -- I read it somewhere).


  1. Ohh, I'm not usually the one to suggest a livejournal community..but you'd probably like this:

    Lot's of neat/interesting tips and things of that nature are posted there daily!

  2. Tulin,

    Thanks for the tip. I took a look and thought it was great. I'll probably check there frequently. I appreciate your comment!
