Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bill DeWeese, Demotions, and Other Crazy-Making Things

In today's Inky there is a story about House Minority leader, Bill DeWeese (the guy who talks like he has a dictionary taped to his tongue) removing legislators who were against the legislative pay raise from committee chairmanships and subcommittee chairmanships. (Keystone Politics has the full article; Young Philly Politics has additional commentary.)

Pardon me for a moment while the top of my head blows off and I count to ten.

What is wrong with PA Democratic leadership? Do we have to copy every stinking rotten thing the Republicans do? Don't we realize that we will NEVER EVER EVER have any sort of credibility if we keep doing STUPID IDIOTIC THINGS like this?? No wonder there is voter apathy when anyone willing to stand up on principle is slammed by those in power. How can we POSSIBLY expect to get good people to run for office when they have to deal with GARBAGE like this if they get into office.

The article has several quotes from Rep. Greg Vitali. I like Greg Vitali. He isn't my rep and I've never met him but I've read enough and seen enough to know that this is one good guy. If you see the PA Campaign Finance resource on my links list, a database that drastically simplifies your ability to track political donations for state races, you can thank Greg Vitali for that. Greg Vitali has worked on energy-related issues for years and he was just removed as chairman for the subcommittee on energy. Who you gonna put in, Bill? Someone like Rieger who seldom shows up for work but always toes the line? That will be so wonderful for the state (sarcasm intended). I'm sure the subcommittee will be so much more effective that way. (more sarcasm)

Bill DeWesse has no problem spending lots of other people's money. I wrote last fall about an October 2003 report that found:

These are not the actions of an organization with integrity or any sense of accountability to the rank and file. On October 2003, the AP reported that both party leaders spent an average of $5000 a month on lunches, or $60,000 in 12 months. That’s more than the average Pennsylvanian makes in a year! Honestly, how can party leaders think it is okay to call and ask for money without even making an effort to use it well? I don’t want one red cent from my pocket going to print and mail out known untruths or to pay for expensive meals. I’d be a lot happier and a lot more willing to give if the party sent around pictures of Bill DeWeese eating a brown bag lunch.

So, Bill wants to have a nice lunch out on loyal Democrats who send in money, and squash legislators who refuse a pay raise that is causing a lot of ruckus among the voters. I don't live in his district so I can't vote him out of office, but could we at least get him out of a leadership position? If I can't support Republicans because of political differences and I can't support Democrats because the state party leadership is living on Mars, or someplace far removed from Normal, Pennsylvania, what am I to do?

It is things like this which leave average voters feeling helpless. DeWeese & Co just shove their actions down our throat and don't give diddly how it looks or how it plays back home. They assume Democrats will vote for Democrats no matter what they do. One thing we can do, however, is support Democrats running for office against not only Republicans but also the Democratic machine. Case in point, Chris Bowers who has tossed his hat in the ring for Philadelphia War 27, Division 23 committeeperson. Good luck, Chris!


  1. Jane,
    Thanks for sharing, what I think, is important information. The whole pay-raise issue has simply made me sick, sick, sick and I have refrained from making any comments at all, figuring I might regret them later since I do work for the man. (no not DeWeese, the "man")

    What's sad to me is the almost complete inability for the Average Joe (or Average Jane - hehe) to run a well thought out campaign against any incumbant, basically, due to the lack of financial resources.

    Which ties me into my other pet peeve for the summer of 2005...the legislature's inability to raise the minimum wage. Sad, sad, sad.

    Thanks for listening and keep up the great posts - household hints and all!

    BipartisanBetty (not Anonymous - i can't seem to remember my password to logon)

  2. Betty!!!

    It's so wonderful to hear from you! I agree that money is a big problem in politics. Candidates who buck the system aren't likely to be able to raise funds from standard sources. That's one of the reasons I stopped donating to the party at various levels and decided to only donate to individual candidates I could check out for myself.
