Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More on Lobbying Bill

I still can't find an electronic version of the article on the lobbying bill I read recently; it may have been there and now has scrolled off. In any event it was in the Intelligencer on Sunday, June 26, p. B5, by Alison Hawkes. The bill is currently out of committee and now in the hands of the House Republican leadership. The article quotes Common Cause director Barry Kaufman as saying the recent amendments made water the bill down. Rep. Dave Steil said that the amendments would make tracking lobbying efforts more difficult. He is also concerned about the exemptions made for religious groups, as the term was not defined. I fear the First Church of Blue Cross / Blue Shield is forming even as we speak.

I haven't read the Intelligencer in a while and they have a lot of state government coverage now. It might be worth buying again now. I'll definitely be looking at it more often.

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