Wednesday, June 22, 2005

IssuesPA / Health Care

IssuesPA has some new information on health care in Pennsylvania. While you are there take a look at the new poll on Santorum / Casey and public perception of issues. It is very enlightening.

The May 2005 issue of Fast Company, a magazine I read regularly, had an interesting article on change and why people do or do not make changes in their lives. Relating to health care the article quotes Raphael Levey, founder of the Global Medical Forum, as saying that "80% of the health-care budget was consumed by five behavioral issues." Edward Miller, dean of the medical school and CEO of the hospital at Johns Hopkins University said that "if you look at people after coronary-artery bypass grafting two years later, 90% of them have not changed their lifestyle."

While I am being preachy, let me put my Mom hat on and say that I caught some of the footage of the skateboarders zooming around Philly yesterday and nary a one had a helmet on. I know I'm stodgy (especially this week, I win the stodgy award) but I'm not supporting skateboarding in LOVE park until I see a lot more helmets and knee and elbow pads, and maybe some signed liability waivers.

Enough of that, lunch beckons.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog I hope we can work to build a better health care system as we are in a major crisis and health insurance is a major aspect to many.
