Wednesday, June 29, 2005

And These People Want a Raise?

Oh, this is too rich. You must immdediately follow this link and read Capitol Ideas recounting of name calling in the House. Prepare to laugh.


  1. You prepared me to laugh, but not to that extent. My god.

  2. Anon (again) - I was listening to the "debate" as it was happening (I work for the Man) and I couldn't decide at the time whether to laugh or be offended. But thinking about it this morning in the shower, I felt a tinge of ire. At the end of it all (not mentioned in the news article), The Speaker struck all the comments from the Record. I suppose it was a good thing for Mr. Myers, but historically speaking, that moment is now gone. Months from now people will forget and perhaps decades from now people won't care - but it makes me wonder how many other "debates" have been erased from history. Hmmmm

    Until next time...BipartisanBetty (took your advice and gave birth to an identity)

  3. Betty,

    I'm glad you work for the Man. We need sensible people there, more than a lot of other places. It's too bad the remarks were striken from the record. To be able to have it removed from the official archive of the house proceedings goes against the grain, but it happens at the federal level too (they can also have things inserted).

    It is great to have you give us the straight scoop and I hope you will feel comfortable dropping in often.
