Saturday, May 14, 2005

Seth Williams Fundraiser

Given the short notice, the fundraiser for Seth Williams last had a great turnout, and raised over $1,000. For more information and pictures see The Tattered Coat and Young Philly Politics. It isn't too late to volunteer or donate, see Seth's web site,

And remember, even if you don't live in Philly, there are still a number of good reasons to come out and vote this Tuesday. The Growing Greener issue is on the ballot, and there are probably local offices, judges, commissioners, school board, and so on. The election is Tueday. If you need a reminder email, visit

You aren't obligated to vote for everything on the ballot. Vote for the things you are interested in. If you don't like a candidate or candidates, leave that one blank. But, by all means, go out and vote!!

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