Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Black and White and Read All Over?

Greetings to those who might be visiting after seeing this blog mentioned in the Inquirer. I nearly dropped my oat bran when I saw the blog name in the paper. Wowie Wowie Wow Wow Wow, as Junie B. Jones might say. I've been writing the blog for about 6 months, having gotten started when put out a call for bloggers. Some of the postings are about politics, some are about life in general. Thanks for your visit, you are welcome to stop by any time. The regional effort on behalf of Seth Williams has been a really positive outreach, with some real results, and I'm pleased to have been able to participate. Dan over at youngphillypolitics and the guys at Philly Future have been the brains behind it; I've just been along for the ride.

Six days until the election. Please remember to vote.

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