Thursday, April 21, 2005

Action Day for Seth Williams

Several bloggers are banding together today to promote Seth Williams' campaign for Philadelphia District Attorney. In addition to my earlier post on Williams, take a look at:

Young Philly Politics

Rowhouse Logic

Philly Future

We are asking people to take at look at Williams. If you like what you see, volunteer for his campaign, or donate. I sent off a small donation. Going by counter on this site, quite a few people have read my Williams post. Please think about getting involved, either with time or money. Even if you don't live in Philly (I don't), you are still affected by the actions of the city's District Attorney. Visit his website, You can donate online or print out a form to mail in. There is a volunteer form as well.

Anything that can get a group of Democrats organized and working together is worth at least a glance. Check him out. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

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