Saturday, April 30, 2005

Abraham Says No to Survey

Dave Davies and Will Bunch posted an article to the Daily News today on a survey distributed by Bruce Crawley, chairman of the African-American Chamber of Commerce.

District Attorney Lynne Abraham has rankled African-American Chamber of Commerce chairman Bruce Crawley by failing to respond to the group's questionnaire for candidates in the city controller and D.A.'s races.

The questionnaire asked candidates to commit to a variety of policies relating to African-American job training, economic empowerment and inclusion in building trades unions.

Abraham explains her decision this way:

"I'm a prosecutor - I don't set social policy," said Abraham, explaining that she believes that it's the job of the mayor and City Council to deal with such issues.

While I agree with her logic, in practice I'm not sure it is sound. Don't prosecutors decide which cases to prosecute and which ones not to? which ones to settle and which ones to take to court? Especially in her case, when to ask for the death penalty? While we want to think these decisions are made without personal beliefs and social agendas, that may not be possible. It might be useful to know what candidates are thinking.

As an aside, Seth Williams did complete the survey, and received an A.

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