Sunday, February 27, 2005


This afternoon my kids were playing with their walkie talkies. This are the inexpensive plastic ones available at fine discount stores everywhere. They had been up in their rooms with calling each other for about 20 minutes. Both of them came downstairs and one said “Hey, someone’s talking with me.” Just then Mr. Jane heard the other child say into the walkie talkie “Daddy, is that you?” And a male voice said “Yes, it’s your Daddy.” He walked over and gently took it away and turned it off. The other walkie talkie was still on and the voice asked “what is your location?” We are assuming it was a neighborhood teen with a similar walkie talkie on the same channel. They only have a range of a mile so it was someone closeby. We hope it was a teen. The voice was deep but could have been a high schooler; the Little Janes are still pretty young and their voices are clearly those of children. It was more than a little disconcerting and the walkie talkies will stay tucked away for awhile and from now on only be used under adult supervision.

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