Vote Vets, which has over 220,000 members has an ad supporting universal background checks for gun sales. It is airing in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and North Dakota. The ad, narrated by Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Glenn Kunkel, is available on You Tube. Kunkel holds and fires an AR-15 rifle and says "I had to pass a background check to join the Marine Corps, before I could carry a weapon similar to this one in Iraq. Here at home, anyone can purchase this weapon, no questions asked.”
Mayors Against Illegal Guns is also starting an ad campaign, encouraging people to contact their elected representatives while they are home from DC over the spring recess. Other organizations, including Organizing for Action and American for Responsible Solutions, working with MAIG, held several events and petition drives in support of background checks. They are also sponsoring ads, which can be viewed online. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Deputy Police Commissioner Keven Bethel and gun violence victim Joe Davis of Magee Rehabilition gathered today as part of MAIG's National Day to Demand Action to end gun violence.