PCN broadcast the redistricting committee's meeting today. I watched part of it. Should you ever want to drain the civic energy or political optimism out of someone, show them the tape of that meeting. The bulk of what I watched consisted of two men arguing over the proposed map (which viewers did not get to see -- its supposed to be up on the redistricting site within 24 hours). They referred to Republican districts and Democratic districts. It sounded to me like districts were targeted for deletion based on whether or not the person representing that district was going to be running again, or on the relative seniority of the person representing the district now. (It's a first in last out situation apparently).
During the time I watched there was no real mention of how all this might affect the people living in the district. It's all based on protecting party and incumbency. There is talk of ONE public meeting, to be held in Harrisburg during the work day, to discuss the proposed new districts. So I guess the only people whose opinions matter are lobbyists and political employees. People who have to be at work, at a job that is not politically motivated, would have to take a vacation day, and that can be tricky on short notice.
It is so discouraging, not to mention an embarrassment.
(update: politicspa has the maps: http://www.politicspa.com/redistricting-watch-preliminary-pa-legislative-maps/29065/ )
Cranky introvert who sometimes thinks about politics, somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area
Monday, October 31, 2011
A Quick Look at Mark Levy
Montgomery County Prothonotary Mark Levy's reelection campaign does not have a website. For those who are not familiar with the office of prothonotary, the staff there keeps records of civil actions. Divorce, custody, medical malpractice, drivers license suspensions, and other civil cases are filed and recorded by the prothonotary and his staff.
Levy is running for his second term. How did his first term go? This is the description from the Montgomery County Democrats site:
Levy is an army veteran and Temple graduate.
Levy is running for his second term. How did his first term go? This is the description from the Montgomery County Democrats site:
Prothonotary Levy has come under budget and has been a poster boy for doing more with less. He has been able to reduce the size of his office through attrition, and improve services, decrease expenses, and add efficiency through an updated system under the watch of the county judiciary and bar association. In the meantime he was voted Courthouse Employee of the year with the unanimous support of the Montgomery Bar Association-not to mention at the end of his first term will be able to have been able to return $8 million dollars in surplus to help relieve the burden on the taxpayer. His proudest accomplishment in office has been drastically reducing the wait time for victims of domestic abuse in obtaining a Protection from Abuse order.
Levy is an army veteran and Temple graduate.
A Quick Look at Jason Salus
Jason Salus is the Democratic candidate for Montgomery County treasurer. He is currently a Borough Councilman in Conshohocken and before that served on the Conshohocken Planning Commission. In 2010 the county commissioners appointed him to the Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority. Salus has earned an MBA from Temple and a B.S. in Finance from Penn State. In Conshohocken he supported an audit measure that collected $1 million in delinquent taxes. He has six years experience in forensic accounting, uncovering millions of
dollars of waste, fraud and abuse in the private and public sectors.
For more information see his campaign website (www.jasonsalus.com) and the Montgomery Democrats site (http://mcdems.org/)
For more information see his campaign website (www.jasonsalus.com) and the Montgomery Democrats site (http://mcdems.org/)
Schwartz Supports Fix to Medicare
from last week's inbox:
U.S. Reps. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) and Phil Roe (R-TN) continue to garner bipartisan support to repeal the Medicare physician payment system. Drawing health policy experts from across the ideological spectrum, Schwartz and Roe hosted a briefing today to highlight the broad bipartisan support for a comprehensive fix to the flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula. Since 2003, Congress has taken steps each year to override the cuts required by the flawed SGR formula. Unless Congress acts again before the end of this year, physicians treating Medicare patients will see their reimbursements cut by 29.5 percent beginning on January 1, 2012.
Recently, Schwartz and Roe secured support from more than 115 members of Congress to call on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to repeal SGR and include a comprehensive fix in their proposal to Congress next month.“For years, the cost of this failed policy has been hidden by short-term fixes,” Schwartz said. “There is overwhelming bipartisan support, coupled with tremendous fiscal urgency, to finally enact a long-term SGR fix. We have a choice: continue distorting the picture of our nation’s fiscal status, or restore fiscal discipline and certainty by eliminating the $300 billion debt that has accumulated as a result of the SGR. The super committee should use this historic opportunity to set out a clear path towards comprehensive Medicare payment reform. Our seniors and America’s fiscal health are counting on it.”“To ensure patient access to physician care, we must permanently fix the Medicare sustainable growth rate formula (SGR),” Roe said. “Physicians are currently threatened with a 29.5 percent cut in their payments unless Congress can end these budgetary games. A cut of this magnitude would leave many, if not most, Medicare patients without access to physicians. Fixing the SGR will help bring stability to our medical system.”
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kitchen Table Patriots on PCN
I caught PCN's Call In Show with the Kitchen Table Patriots. It is still up on the PCN website but may disappear soon. If you are interested please take some time to watch and typed up my rough notes. The guest's have the same initials and similar names so I used somewhat unusual initials to differentiate them, even so it is possible that in places I might have typed in one set of initials when it should have been the other. This is not intended as a full transcript, only a representation of my notes. I apologize in advance for any errors or misconceptions. If readers want to see the full interview and it is no longer on the PCN website I believe PCN sells tapes of some shows, and would advise interested parties to look into that option.
Moderator: Matt Hall
With us
in our studio for next hour are Ana Puig (PU) and Anastasia Przybylski (PZ) of
the Kitchen Table Patriots.
MH: What are the Kitchen Table Patriots?
PZ: we
are a grassroots organization that started as a tea party. At one meeting
over 2000 people came and Ana Puig spoke. Since we were mothers the media
called us the Kitchen Table Patriots.
PU: We
needed a bigger voice. We started doing town halls and here we are today
coming to Harrisburg frequently, talking to candidates, picking candidates
running for office, affecting legislation.
Occupy Wall Street, what is your take?
They have signs that say “we are the 99%.” I’m part of the 99% and I
don’t feel the way they feel. Messaging has gotten away from what
capitalism is, now its socialism vs capitalism.
They are asking the government to do something that government has never done
before. Not like tea party. I want no handouts. We’re nothing
like this movement.
They’re demonizing this one person [percent?]. They’re like the looters
in Atlas Shrugged.
That one percent has created jobs. That’s what American is all
about. A lot of that one percent have worked hard.
quote from Chris Christie, Occupy Wall Street like tea party. Any common
I ‘ve been in Harrisburg for 2 days. I’ve seen the same people sitting at
Occupy Harrisburg. They should be looking for jobs. That is not
what tea party is about.
right now what we’re feeling is people are out of work and worried. Tea
party concerned about direction country is going. In Doylestown a great
artsy little town, they moved in there and started protesting in the businesses
that are providing jobs. Organizing by a woman running unopposed for office
in Bucks County.
we are a bipartisan organization and would gladly support Democrats that are
supporting what we are doing fiscally. But they align themselves with
these groups so we have no choice but to support Republicans.
tea party aligned with corporate interests not citizens interests.
not at all, against government interference, about letting business succeed
my parents stated with nothing. We lived in a trailer. They worked
hard. Their house is paid off. My husband and I drive old
cars. Not looking at neighbors to take what they have. If I owe so
much money and look to government to bail me out what is my incentive to be
I was born in Brazil, came here at age 14 with parents. American dream,
life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. Can become anybody if you work
hard. That’s what tea party movement is all about. That’s what empowered
me to get off my couch and stop screaming at the tv.
Occupy Wall Street, many of them are students or graduates with deep student
debt, going for American dream. With job situation, can only find part
time work or won’t pay enough to pay off debt. Kids blame government but
I understand why movement is there
I understand. College has become very expensive. Why? Two
decades with money so easy for people to go into debt. College become
more expensive. I graduated with student loans. My husband did
too. It took us about 11 years to pay off loans. Have to look at
amount of debt going into and job prospects when coming out. We paid them
things didn’t get this bad just under this administration but have gotten
progressively worse. 1000 days of Obama administration national debt
increased by $4.2T, 2.2M jobs lost, 140K added to government payroll.
This administration doesn’t have solutions.
these people need to look at the government. let’s figure out who the job
creators are and help them. They should join the tea party that’s where
they belong
you are wrong. Debt. Debt did increase. Bush increased, doubled
debt in 8 years, lack of regulation, failure to control wall street, led to
this crisis. Tarp approved by Republicans before Obama came in. How
can you say current administration doesn’t have the answers. This is a
very difficult situation. Obama handled pile of you know what
it took Pres. Bush 8 years to do what he did. I don’t agree with
everything he did. Obama has done more damage in 2.5 years than Bush ever
we just added about $5T to deficit. Rapid rate under Obama
can’t afford Obama for 4 more years. If he gets to appoint another
supreme court judge I might as well go home and enjoy what’s left of America
What do you think of the president’s new proposal
redistribution of wealth. Temporary tax cut for businesses but increasing
taxes on wealthy and businesses permanent. Way to increase jobs is to let
businesses do what they do best, less regulation. It’s all about taking
from rich and giving to poor. That’s not what America is all about.
called a jobs bill but actually another stimulus bill. Everything he’s
done so far has failed. No way even D’s support his bill. Will put
us further into debt. Democrats who support his bill are going to lose in
election of 2012. American people are fed up with situation as it
is. Obama owns this economy.
is PCN a publicly paid channel? Should be more minorities, not 2
caucasian women
PCN receives no public money
I’m South American. I’m a minority as well.
what is it like when starting an organization, infighting, rumors
there has been a lot of infighting in tea party movement. We want to make
a difference for our state. This week alone I’ve been getting calls from
media because a tea party group said we have a Nazi sympathizer in our
group. Amazed that tea party people have time to do this when election so
close. To address, yes we have someone on our team who sells WW1 And WW2
memorabilia. Not by any means a supporter of the Holocaust or mass
murders of the 1940s. some of these groups are using this great patriot
to get to us and demoralize us. Stop talking the talk and walk the
walk. We are buried in work. I barely have time to see my
children. We need to defeat Obama.
if another group shines we all shine. If they get in the media for doing
something great we all shine. I’m happy when I see another group get the
press for something we all believe in. we need to come together. If
Obama is re-elected because we didn’t come together we can blame ourselves.
are you compensated?
I don’t apologize for being paid. I’m a paid Freedomworks employee.
I started out as a volunteer. I’m doing a favor for this country,
traveling and lobbying. To keep up with the fast pace I had to take a
paying job. I’m talking about fiscal responsibility so I’m being responsible
by taking a paying job to put food on the table.
for 2 years I treated this as a full time job without pay. If we’re on
the radar and someone wants to pay us for what we’re doing, you should be
I hope someday we can all benefit and take a paycheck. We are lobbyists
and are registered. We won’t be sued because we are following PA law
MH: Is
any of your salary public money
national grassroots organization out of DC
thank God there’s two intelligent ladies
like this standing up for paychecks not handouts. The last thing this
nation needs is European socialism. They are standing up for American
this discussion interesting. Freedomworks, who funds?
they have several donors. Small donations, large donations, they’ve been at the
business of freedom for many years. Run by Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe.
They’ve really done great work.
I’m not going to weigh in on something I’m not really sure about.
over past 25 years, top 1% gone from 13% of total to 25% of total, income
redistribution going the other way. Supreme court justices. Do you
think Citizens United, which gave corporations ability to donate unlimited sums
of money to political campaigns a good idea?
could be double edged sword, Democrats as well as Republicans will benefit.
There are corporations completely in Obama agenda and we can’t track them.
Same with Republicans
I agree.
corporations as people?
I would prefer to see people donating out of their own pocket not a corporation
disagree. Agree with less government. but would not agree with
racism in tea party. Should be more competition in health care and energy.
Certain states have 95% of population using one health insurance company.
Should put local government back in pockets of citizens. Republicans
don’t want that, keep that with state,.
our republic was formed, less government the better, the more localized the
better, a politician issue. I want to see down to our school
boards. Tell people if they are upset about property taxes, run for
school board. Upset about spending, run for local office. We aren’t
paying attention, we are concerned about super bowl and jersey shore.
all politics are local. We are 2 moms with 7 children between us.
If we can have a voice anyone can have a voice. I’m tired of hearing people
say they can’t get involved because they are taking kids to soccer and CCD.
Guess what? I do that too. Working 60 hours a week. Don’t
just sit on your coach and complain, sipping starbucks. In Brazil you
can’t do that. Racism? Don’t see how people see it as racist.
I’m a minority in this county. Many involved. One of my best
friends is African American and she is involved, on tv all the time.
She’s never been discriminated again. I’ve never been discriminated
against. Left threated because we have changed the dialog. This is
a way to discredit us. We have a lot of work between now and 2012.
moderate independent. Talk about redistribution of wealth. Not against
the rich but want all to pay fair share of taxes. You talk about putting it
to the poor. Do you have a social conscience.
you can in this country do anything. My parents stared with
nothing. That’s the American dream. Of course we have safety
nets. We need safety nets. But people need to take care of
outside Harrisburg hotel always a line of unemployed sitting there. Not
the job of those who have created jobs and worked hard to support those who haven’t.
This is the land of opportunity.
we have a system. The welfare rolls have grown so much. I was just
talking to someone at soccer on Saturday who’s in the tea party. The
problem is now that when I’m out people want to stop and talk to me about this,
in support. Someone saw a kid looked totally capable of working, in the
grocery story using a food stamp card for Gatorade and gum. That’s what
we don’t want to see. This new hipster movement with young capable 20
somethings, getting food stamps and going to Whole Foods. That’s
not what it was set up for.
I don’t believe in entitlements. Other than right to life. We
should just work hard. That’s the American dream. That’s why so
many people come to this country.
what country are you taking back. There was an election in 2008 just like
there was in 2004 and 2000. We didn’t go out and scream to take our
country back from Bush
elections have consequences. We elected Obama. People take their
freedoms for granted. America is being taken away from the Americans.
Getting progressively worse. Take this from someone who came from another
country. Lived in Brazil and England. People are not happy there,
want to come here. We are taking our country back. In the Kitchen Table
Patriots we believe electing Obama was a mistake. Not the change and
hope people were looking for.
Under Bush I was criticizing him to my family and neighbors with level of
spending. I understand why people were voting for Obama because they
thought the change he was talking about was fiscally responsible level of
spending and getting us out of these wars we are in all across the world that I
disagree with. Against spending and wars under Bush. Now 2
years under Obama still in wars and spending out of control.
delighted to hear this dialogue. What
is your take on Herman Cain, 999 plan, now a lot of criticism. Talk about
race card, take back country, take back basis of what made this country
great, back to basics, entitlements. If you want to know what’s going on
in this country, watch Judge Judy, a lot of people living on government money
when we talk about taking back our country, going back to conservative fiscal
issues. Cain a breath of fresh air, no previous ties to either political
party. Stands on principle. 999 plan, devil in details, think it
sounds good.
we interviewed him on our channel, wkpt on tv. He knows how to create
jobs. Some will criticize him for not being a politician, I think it’s
wonderful. He can really take on the race issue and end it once and for
I love that he’s an African American. End talk that tea party is racist.
endorse in primary?
no, pick your favorites and vote and work for them.
Cain has $1M in bank and some candidates have $50M in bank and he’s plowing
ahead. American dream.
we will support the Republican nominee. Anyone running right now would be
better than what we have now. Would support Romney, hope he’s not it, but
if he is I would support.
we think we can do better than Romney. People like Cain and Gingrich.
Don’t let GOP pick the candidate ahead of time. If people see a candidate
they like can make a difference.
if Romney or whoever gets elected, we will still have to keep their feet to the
fire. Watch every single stop, how they vote. If not we will find
candidates to primary them.
regardless of who gets in all the laws in favor of big corporations because all
candidates take money from them. Laws dismantled in 80s and all
manufacturing jobs went overseas. Assured children would have jobs
because educated but those jobs overseas too. Corporations won’t give any
jobs to us
part of the problem is our corporate tax rate. Our government is incentivizing
companies to move offshore. 999 touchs on our corporate tax rate.
Why would a corporation with our tax laws do the loophole thing that we
have. You have to hire lawyers just to figure out how to keep
money. Take up with your congressman and president.
we’re not standing up for Republicans here. There’ s no reason for us to
send jobs overseas.
we have to stop sending jobs overseas. Have to support people who are
poor but a lot of people work the system.
Caller: educational reform, recent temple graduate, in americacorp
program via jump start, worked with children trying to prevent
illiteracy. Your views on voucher, school choice
been involved since summer 2010, big advocates for school choice and school
reform. Last week came out with plan, charter school reform, teacher
evaluations. I’m evaluated on my job. People in private sector
evaluated. Very happy with governor’s proposal. That’s why we’re in
Harrisburg today talking with legislators about this. Public school
system a failing monopoly. Do something different rather than pouring
money into same thing over and over. Can’t afford another generation of
kids in unemployment line or on drugs or in jail.
some controversy with bills not including all students across the state.
Choice and competition gets you the best product. Right now Corbett’s
plan is great. Studies have shown in pilot programs in other states, can
infuse competition in those schools and spread it out. Look for info at kitchentablepatriots.org
great to see two ladies voicing their opinions. They are people in power
in this country, development of permanent underclass. Government built
projects that resemble prison to accustom them to being in jail. Took out
boys clubs and after schools, saying they should be strong and do it on their
own. President can’t fix damage in two years. Racism.
no racism, not politically correct to say this but Obama is half white.
Pleased to see what Herman
Cain is doing and he’s full out African
American. Not expect Obama to fix all problems in 2 years but we’re going
down socialist path.
community organizations
agree, there’s a need an lot of people that are involved in helping communities
that need them.
good if you can stay away from the indoctrination piece of it. Need to get
more people involved.
last week state Auditor General Jack Wagner said our debt had doubled since the
governor came into office. A lot gone to debt. Interest on state
debt killing us
governor did a good job in getting our budget passed on time. Closing
deficit gap. Cut spending by a billion dollars without increasing
taxes. People want us to give Obama a chance, same goes for
Corbett. He’s really concentrating on delivering this budget on
time. Let’s see what else he can do.
As far as debt goes, eventually you reach appoint where you’ll go under.
Have to make really difficult decisions in cutting, kept us from going
under. These are times we all now know we have to tighten our belts.
new world order. What you’re doing is good. [cut off]
I agree with these two wonderful ladies. Wild abuses of
entitlement. Kids seeking entitlement not employment. Agree do away
with them entitlement. Put kids [cut off}
family came here for freedom to work for and get away from systems there where
wealthy had it all. Called entitlements because we paid in and want
something in return
system is not working , system is failing. At some point some needs to
say it isn’t working. I’d give it up. Give up social security.
Let’s try something else.
word entitlement. That’s not part of our constitution. Freedom is
not an entitlement. Not give to you. God given. Don’t expect
a handout from the government. Expect to make something of myself.
Want my kids to do that. But if they see their friends getting a hipster
food stamp card and not pay off debt, why would they? That’s what’s at
stake, cultural shift. Need to sand on my own two feet.
thanks guests.
Ansinn and Marseglia on Comment Please
I listened to the taped archive of Oct 21st's Comment Please radio show, hosted by Darryl Berger. The guests were the Democratic candidates for Bucks County commissioner. These are rough notes, not intended as a full transcript. Voters are encouraged to listen to the interview themselves and research the candidates to make an informed decision.
Comment Please,
sponsored by Univest, with host Darryl Berger
Oct 21, 2011
Det Ansinn and
Diane Marseglia, Democratic candidates for Bucks County Commissioner
incumbent, Ansinn is the Doylestown Borough Council President
Marseglia – bio,
social worker in county for 25 years, about 4 years ago I decided one of the
best things I could do is help county improve social services
Ansinn – also
local, background in business, created businesses, created jobs, board
president of library board, bring business acumen to do good things in county.
DB: minority
commissioner a watchdog position?
DM: many
things , many of the employees comfortable coming to me and telling me of problems
and I go to newspaper or police or wherever needed. Now putting county
commissioner meeting agenda up days in advance, now have to file applications
for county jobs and checking qualifications. Now someone in charge of
keeping track of county cars and who has and how used. First 3 years I
was excluded a great deal, shown materials but not allowed to keep them.
Current county supervisor better about this, still not equal access
DB: platform
DA: number 1
is issue of jobs, Bucks has higher unemployment than neighboring
counties. Problem is county has not taken a proactive role. Second
issue is corruption. Indictments and guilty verdicts. Third, county
has been deficit spending for last 5 years.
DB: what can
government do?
DM: try to
encourage people and county to buy America and buy Bucks. Work on
infrastructure. Problems dredging Del River. People aren’t going to
come here if they can’t get here. Expand companies that are here.
Best thing we can do is help companies already here. Zoning problems,
regulation problems. Appoint someone as economic development
developing plan and implementing it
DA: For
Commissioner Cawley and former Congressman Murphy put together panel and asked
what can county do better. They put together plan. First thing is hire
an economic development officer. Marshalling resources in Bucks, county has
7 chambers of commerce, no one providing single point of contact.
Streamlining, easier to do business.
DM: Teva
wanted to be in Warrington went to Philly, hospital in Lower Makefield, no one
to direct them to other places in Bucks.
Warrington didn’t want Teva.
DA: Other places
in the county would have welcomed them with open arms. No one directed
them there. Lost to NE Philly. That’s the problem, don’t have
leadership. Economic initiative is leadership.
transportation infrastructure, 202 parkway project
DA: tough to
say, project has gone on so long, that’s just one part of transportation
infrastructure. People don’t know we have a port here in Bucks, Diane
had dredged so larger ships could come in. Project long time in
coming. Pales with what happens in upper part of county, development with
no planning.
DB: enough
coordination among different levels of government? one congressman, state
delegation, municipal officials, role of county?
DM: An economic
development officer, could meet with each municipality at least twice a year, better
use of planning commission. Be like Chester County, don’t provide open
space money unless project is part of county plan. Has to be somebody
that everyone knows to go to
DA: We have
good people on planning commission, need to be more proactive, need support,
shouldn’t shoot down their ideas
DB: justice
center, parking garage, cost about $84M, you have been critical
DA: in Doylestown
this is in our backyard. Our chief concern, what will happen with old
building. They wanted to knock down old garage, build new building, but
no plan on what to do with old building. County still can’t say how all
space in new building will be used. Don’t know how people will move from
parking garage 1000 ft from building to building
DM: If we’re
in office with access to plans and legal teams. Is it possible for
current contractor to continue. Maybe shift some work to old
DA: tough
thing is, earlier this year before contract award. A judge said project a
rathole. We need to evaluate. We need to be in office to do
DB: was this
necessary at all?
DM: criminal
court we did need a new area, criminals and defendants are in same area now,
that should change, but we could still use existing 6 courtrooms.
DB: nothing
similar in area to charges against row officers, Wills area, county workers
being coerced into doing political work paid for by county funds. Trial
scheduled for November
DM: one of
about a dozen scandals in last 4 years. Culture is a problem. Want
to open things up and give a fresh perspective. Says grand jury
report says CEO of county knew what was going on. It is much bigger than
one row dept. going on for decades.
DB: what
would you do?
DA: this is
institutionalized corruption. You have those problems when you have the
curtains closed. Hold people accountability. $465 M county budget,
need transparency, records accountability, how offices operate, campaign
finance records. Regardless of political party can lead to
DB: Should county
commissioner meetings be morning meetings
DM: I made a
pledge four years ago and making another pledge now. Hold in early
evenings so people can come and see what county commissioners do. Let
people know what happens.
DB: how many
people usually attend
DM: other
than staff and those getting awards at beginning, 5 maybe 6.
DA: There are
actions being taken that affect us. If you attend one and can make
comment. You can’t speak until end, after commissioners have taken
action. When commissioners taking actions they should know what people
DM: Right now
free agenda meeting. We will meet with department heads ahead of time.
DA: we took
an ethics pledge. Current commissioners took no action. We said no
politics on county time with county property. We took 5 point
pledge. Really shouldn’t be necessary. This is what people
expect. We are committed to that not just as a pledge but these are steps
we will take to address it.
DB: what are
other scandals? Examples of culture of corruption?
investigation of sheriff’s dept., funds that should have been spent on mental
health spent on lunches, Creekside voting place moved and people ordered not to
talk about it.
DB: wrap up?
DA: This is
not an office people think about but this office makes decisions that affect
people’s lives. You can have the biggest effect on everyday life.
DM: county
provides services. There are problems. Increase in number of elderly
needing help. We will be at least $14M short in budget. Must elect
quality people to office.
DB: campaign
site bucksvictory.com