Wednesday, April 06, 2011

New Lubrano Column in the Inky

Alfred Lubrano, who worked on the series of articles about hunger in Philadelphia, has a new column in the Inquirer. The subject is fatherhood. The initial offering "Fathers can be good at mothering, too" appeared in today's paper. He has an excellent point when noting that fathers in the media are often portrayed as incompetent bumblers. It does such a disservice to the wonderful fathers out there. The more men like Lubrano speak out about their parenting the more it will become the norm and expected behavior. I don't think anyone doubts that a father's involvement in his children's lives benefits both. The notion that parenting is a shared or gender blind role takes some of the pressure off moms, and I'm all for that. I also live with a fantastic father and know how much work is involved. Good luck to Lubrano on his new venture.

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